Figures – Talia De Vries

In Figures, Talia De Vries examines her memory mechanisms as an artist. She returns to events and moments which exist as frozen images in her personal memory, and moves between past and present and the seam in between. The return to the past in the present generates a realm in which times are like material in spaces, existing side by side synchronously.

Created and performed by: Talia De Vries
Dramaturgy consultant: Johann Nohles
Special thanks to Maya Michaeli, Michal Heiman and Ari Tepenberg

Talia De Vries is an independent dancer and dance artist. She studied in CNDC d’Angersin France, and holds a BA in the Performing Arts from the University of Paris 8. Talia has worked with various choreographers in Israel and abroad. Nowadays she creates her own works, in addition to collaborations with other artists.