Artistic Director: Amos Hetz
Producer: Daphna Efron
Lighting: Sivan Berlin
Following Lisa Nelson’s project from the previous year, we initiated the collective dance Vexations. This was a dance marathon – 10 hours of non-stop dance – with music by Erik Satie played live (pianists changing every 30 minutes). It was an attempt to bring together, on stage,multiple dancers, styles and forms of expression. Each dancer created on his or her own, but dancing with different dancers they created a chance-operated choreography.
Program 1
Following Socrates; Four Duets
Dance composition: Amos Hetz
Dancers: Nehama Einbinder, Amos Hetz
Music: John Cage
Flute: Abigail Dolan
Program 2
Music: Erik Satie
10 hour dance marathon, video, 15 dancers, 17 pianists, 5 video artists
Program 3
1. Two Dances
Dance composition and dancer: Susan Rethorst (USA)
Program 4
1. Genesis
Dance composition and dancer: Shulamit Yaron
2. Interpretations
Dance improvisation: Anat Shamgar, Batyah Schachter